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tklmap v3.1.0 is now available
11 December 2023
tklmap v3.1.0 is now available. This release adds new contact method and gender options, as well as re-working how user markers are displayed from the user markers section. Read all about the changes in full below.
New Features
New Contact Methods: the range of available contact methods has been expanded to include Threads, TikTok, Steam, Telegram and LINE. Please note that although Telegram and LINE accounts can be tied to a phone number, you should specify your Telegram username / LINE id only. Markers with phone numbers in their contact methods will be removed from the map.
New Gender Options: two new options have been added for 'Trans (MtF)' and 'Trans (FtM)'. These have also been added to the filters. Additionally, a trans flag marker icon has been added to the custom marker icons (available for tklmap Patreon supporters).
Minor Changes
Markers displayed in the User Markers section will now display as an inline infowindow alongside an 'Edit Marker' button which begins the editing process, as opposed to the first step of editing process being visible by default. Some behaviour around editing, specifically saving / discarding changes, has been tweaked to accommodate this.
The marker claim process has been simplified, and you can now complete the entire claim process from within the prompt that is shown after authenticating an edit for an anonymous marker when logged into a user account.
The map zoom level has been increased when linking directly to a marker.
Changes for SEO have been made across the site.
Claiming a marker will now also unfavourite it if it happens to be favourited.
Minor map optimisations for when loading markers.
Fixed styling on the edit authentication panel.
Fixed the delete button on the marker claim prompt panel; marker will now be deleted on click.
Fixed issue with marker contact method validation which prevented all contact methods from being fully validated when marker is created.
Fixed old twitter icon showing on the Contact page instead of the X icon.
Fixed marker favourites from always showing in the filtered view, even when the favourited marker did not satisfy any of the filter requirements.
Please get in touch if you have any issues, comments or questions regarding the site. Thanks for using tklmap!