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Welcome to tklmap
tklmap is connecting tickling enthusaists together from across the globe. The use of this site is governed by the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy, both of which you should read in full before proceeding. Additionally, you must be 18 years of age or older to use this site.
Not sure where to start? Check out the help page for more information!
Account Required
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Marker Type
You have created the maximum number of markers. To place a new marker, please delete one of your existing markers, or consider supporting tklmap on Patreon to gain extra marker slots.
What type of marker would you like to create?
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About You
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Contact Details
Any contact information you provide here will be publicly visible on your map marker.
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More Info
Add a brief introduction to give other users a sense of who you are and what you are looking for. The more information you add, the better!
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Marker Style
You must be logged into tklmap and be an active Patreon supporter to access custom marker styles. Please visit the Support Page to find out more!
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Create Account
Would you like to create a tklmap account with your marker? Creating an account is free and will enable you to:
- Quickly and easily create and manage multiple markers.
- Automatically filter the map based on your saved preferences.
- Take a break by hiding your markers from the map at a click of a button.
- And more!
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Create Account
To create an account, please fill in the form below.
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Marker Password
Edit Marker
Claim Marker
It looks like you're trying to edit a marker that you created before registering a tklmap account.
If you wish to associate this marker with your account, please make space for it by deleting one of your existing markers from your 'My Markers' section, and then return to this marker to claim it. Otherwise, please click 'Delete' to remove this marker from the map.